Address needed.
An address is required for more detailed information.
Please enter some address information (e.g. Postcode) in the box below and we will search for matching addresses to choose from.
Thank you.
Address data © Local Government Information House Limited copyright and database rights 2012 100023406. Use of this data is subject to
terms and conditions.
Search results.
We have found the following addresses matching what you entered.
Please select to continue, by clicking on the address, or press "Try again with a different address" to try searching for something else.
Welcome to Bristol City Council's My Nearest information service.
This section allows you to search for facilities and council services in your area and other areas of the city. Search for local schools, libraries, road works and much more by selecting one of the categories to the left of this screen.

Choosing the expand button will display the range of facilities and services available to view

The house symbol displays the address you have selected

Select the map button to see the location on a map